Current projects

  • The Circle of Truth

    In The Circle of Truth Elea sang, danced, acted, camera- and voice acted, weaving the different compartments of the show together to guide the audience to the operatic climax of the finale.


    From the website:

    Inspired by the Faustus story of Thomas Mann, The Circle of Truth employs a revolutionary combination of theater, art, nightlife, and digital culture to delve into our complex relationship with the truth. In this 2.5-hour interdisciplinary mindfuck, the devil himself assists you in stepping out of your comfortable social bubble to perceive the truth from a fresh perspective. The show spans across our 3000m2 warehouse at the NDSM, taking visitors on a captivating journey through interactive installations and performances by diverse local cultural pioneers.


  • Benno

  • Poetry prints

    Early 2023, Elea’s first poem was published in print: ‘Kleurrijk Stil’.

    During the coming year, more and more of her poems will become available in her webshop.


  • die Leiden der jungen Charlotte

    During lockdown, composer Christian Chamoun and Elea Bekkers have collaborated to create a classical song cycle about Charlotte, about women, about the prison of expectations. Lyrics and vocals by Elea Bekkers, music and piano by Christian Chamoun

    “I have so much in me, and the feeling of her absorbs it all.”


    So says Werther about the object of his infatuation, Charlotte, whose romantic rejection of him leads him to commit suicide. Goethe’s epoch-making novel revolves around Werther’s ‘massive crush’ on Charlotte, which is spiritualized and expanded into eloquent poetic musings by the writer. But the woman herself is mostly absent; Werther worships an idol of her, yet seems to barely know her.Die Leiden der jungen Charlotte breathes life into her through song and stage, shedding light on her reality. More than but a prop in a young man’s story of self-discovery (or self-indulgence?), Charlotte is presented as a real person and the audience is invited to bear witness to her life-experience; her heart’s desires, fears, vulnerabilities, needs… A young woman, buried by the demands family and society have placed upon her, is trying to find herself.

    Die Leiden der jungen Charlotte is available as a house concert and is to be released on CD in the coming year.

  • Since 2023 voice teacher in Zutphen

    Elea gives singing lessons and voice coaching to all ages and levels. She specializes in contemporary opera and voice expression, but is also skilled in classical opera, belting, healthy voice use and guidance during hormonal changes. 


    Do you have a resolution to sing more, or do you want to find our wether singing is for you? Make sure to schedule a trial lesson!

  • Since 2017 Singing teacher at Fulco Muziekonderwijs

    Since 2017, Elea Bekkers has been teaching private singing and conducting the Fulco Children’s Choir in IJsselstein with the collective Fulco Muziekonderwijs.


  • Since 2015 Creator at STAATSGREEP

    Staatsgreep was born from the fruitful collaboration with composer and designer Sem Hak. Staatsgreep makes art at the cutting edge, to give the contemporary human a voice through art. The works of Staatsgreep address issues that matter today but are still underexposed: marginalisation, mental health, climate change and the inability of contemporary politics to (want to) do anything about this. Staatsgreep makes music, theater, fashion, film and whatever appears necessary.


  • 2018 – 2022 Drama teacher at Vlieg en Vlugacademie

    At primary school De Kleine Vliegenier, pupils can participate in a cultural program during their break that includes dance, music, theater, capoeira, art, technology, cooking and exercise. This is how the children discover their talents. Elea Bekkers teaches the children drama, and in collaboration with Anne-Maartje Lemereis, she gives song and opera writing courses here.

  • 2021 Dochter (Daughter) – NJON Muziekzomer (Musical Summer of the National Youth Orchestra Netherlands)

  • 2019 – 2020 Kaap die Goeie Koop by Silbersee and Gouden Haas

    A grand, sensory music theater performance right on the beach!

    Hallucinatory images, impressive sets, singing, dancing, acting and spoken word, to a newly written text by Jibbe Willems and newly composed music by multi-instrumentalist Frank Wienk, better known as Binkbeats. After ‘Dijkdrift’ and ‘Aardappelvreters’, Kaapdiegoeiekoop is the final of the primal opera triptych ‘Islands’. It depicts how the Dutch merchant spirit is headed straight for climate disaster. Elea Bekkers is one of the actors and vocalists.

    Due to COVID and the measures surrounding it, this performance did not take place in the planned form, but it premiered at Het Imaginaire Eiland of Oerol 2020.

  • 2019 – 2020 NKK NXT

    Who do you see when you look in the mirror?

    Every season, a group of young, multi-talented singers looks for new ways to tell their story using ensemble singing as an art form. Under the wings of the professionals of the Nederlands Kamerkoor, they create their own, relevant concert program. Elea Bekkers was creator and singer in STAAN & OPVALLEN, which premiered in September 2020.


  • 2019 On Verra at Opera Forward Festival

    During the Opera Forward Festival, all kinds of operatic events take place throughout Amsterdam for ten days. From OFF Talks to operas by our OFF Talents and from parties to even more operas.

    Elea Bekkers was a soloist in the OFF talent opera ‘On Verra’ by composer Julian Oliveira and director Leon Rogissart.

  • 2018 Thijl by Utrechtsch Studenten Concert

    Air base Soesterberg was morphed into an opera stage of sand in summer 2018. There, 160 musicians and eight soloists performed Thijl, a grand Dutch opera. Elea Bekkers sang and played several choir solo roles as well as being understudy for Wilke ter Brummelstoete in the role of Stevenijne.

  • 2018 Lachesis in De Schikgodinnen by Julia Spoelstra

    Julia Spoelstra’s De Schikgodinnen tells the personal story of the Greek mythological Fates that spin, measure and cut the thread of life.

  • 2017 De Man die Afdreef op de Zee

    A man who fell asleep on an air matrass on the beach, wakes up on the open ocean. He meets nobody but his own fears, hopes and demons. The opera premiered in 2017, with Elea Bekkers as the Man.


  • 2017 Echo by Stef Veldhuis in Gaudeamus Muziekweek

    The ECHO-Opera is a location opera that uses it’s stage, Fort Rijnauwen in Utrecht, as an instrument and an antagonist.

    The opera tells a modern retelling of the Greek tragedy of Echo & Narcissus and asks one of the big questions of our modern society; What is real?

    The ECHO-Opera is created in cooperation with the Gaudeamus Muziekweek. It premiered as a support of Holland Opera on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 22nd and 30th June 2017.

    Concept and Compositions: Stef Veldhuis
    Libretto: Anne-Fleur Kan

    Clarinets: Marinthe Jansen & Bernardo Alcalá
    Bass clarinet: Vincent Martig
    ​Percussion: Niek Kleinjan
    Soprano: Elea Bekkers
    Alto: Anna Vala Olafsdottir
    Bariton: Nathan Tax



  • 2017 – 2018 Singer and actor in De Vermoeide Mens by Imre van den Bosch

    Interactive theatre show about overload, bias, assumptions and quick fixes.
    Concept and direction: Imre van den Bosch
    Actor: Ayrton Kirchner
    Singers: Luuk van Rosmalen, Noël van den Wiel, Silva de Waard, Elea Bekkers.
    Shows at Vuurol, Culturele Zondagen and Showman’s Fair in 2017 and 2018

  • 2010 – 2017 Singing teacher to private students

  • 2017 Pilot by Sandy Verhoeve

    In this short thriller by dutch director Sandy Verhoeve the main character, Charlotte, played by Elea Bekkers, is stalked by a man she rejected.

  • 2016 Äffchen by Sandy Verhoeve

    In this short thriller by dutch director Sandy Verhoeve, Elea Bekkers plays the role of Nicole, the seductive antagonist to the paranoid main character.

  • 2016 Voices of Concrete by Fanni Futterknecht

    Art installation in Innsbruck, Austria by Fanni Futterknecht

    ‘With words we touch what we speak’


  • 2015 – 2017 Theatre Open Space

    Interventions in the public space by breaking through the prevailing tempo or movement norm, with simple physical tools such as walking, standing still, lying down. Weekly trainings and masterclasses; monthly performances in public space.

  • 2015 Ondine in Graaf! Van Anne-Maartje Lemereis

    Graaf! is an opera by Anne-Maartje Lemereis about a woman who digs herself out of prison. The opera premiered in 2015, with Elea Bekkers as the Woman Behind The Window.

  • 2015 First collaboration with Sem Hak: Jij noemt dit Kou

    Song for piano and mezzo-soprano; lyrics by Elea Bekkers, music by Sem Hak, concept in collaboration.

  • 2014 Premiere of Vijf by Remy Alexander

    Vijf for string quartet, string orchestra and mezzo-soprano

  • 2014 Melia in Apollo et Hyacinthus by Mozart

  • 2013 Second Lady in Die Zauberflöte by Mozart

  • 2013 Guided Tour by Anouk van Reijen


  • 2021 Zij die Achterbleven (the ones who were left behind)

    Libretto, Dutch. Forms a trilogy with De Man die Afdreef op de Zee (the man who drifted off at sea) and De Vrouw die de Berg Besteeg (the woman who ascended the mountain). The Man has drifted off at sea, but that does not touch those who stayed behind: with lifeless trivialization these survivors wave away his tragedy while enjoying a cup of mediocre coffee. The least epic, yet perhaps most dramatic part of the trilogy.


    Mijn kantoor. De TV staat aan. Ik kijk er graag naar, naar de reclame. (ik denk aan hoe nietig we zijn, in het ontzagwekkende stelsel aller dingen) Mijn kantoor is de mooiste plek. Ik ben er graag, ik ben graag alleen. Ik drink teveel. Moeder, stoor me niet. Ik zit net lekker.
    (Enorme bomen in een paradijslijke symbiose van vormen, geel, roze en blauw, een eenheid, de bodem donkerbruin en vochtig, donker, koel…) Ik mis je, mam.

  • Andromedae

    Text on a composition of Channe Visscher about a journey through space and the intangibility of things.


    Interunni albedo
    phecda, naast hygea.

    Arme Phaeton!

  • 2019 De Vrouw die de Berg Besteeg (the woman who ascended the mountain)

    Libretto, Dutch. Forms a trilogy with De Man die Afdreef op de Zee (the man who drifted off at sea) and Zij die Achterbleven (the ones who were left behind). Enraged at the established order, a woman leaves it to climb the mountain and create a new order herself. In order to complete that creation, she must first break down everything she knows, everything that is familiar, all her dreams.


    Vol ontzag kijkt de mens naar de berg en ziet niet hoe die zich vernietigd, zich leegknijpt in beken die haar lichaam uitslijten, verbrijzelend en eenwordend, zich stortend, haar hellingen vlakkend, de berg heeft opgegeven. 

  • 2016 Speeldoosjes (music boxes)

    Texts for song cycle, Dutch. Speeldoosjes make modern classical music feasible for children and other starting musicians. Elea edited texts she made as a child, to be put to music by Anne-Maartje Lemereis.


    Ring, ring en een ketting
    een leeg zakje tum-tum

    Ik ben vergeten wat ik zie… moet het in gedachten hebben neergelegd.

  • 2015 De Man die Afdreef op de Zee (the man who drifted off at sea)

    Libretto, Dutch. Forms a trilogy with De Vrouw die de Berg Besteeg (the woman who ascended the mountain) and Zij die Achterbleven (the ones who were left behind). A man who fell asleep on an air matrass on the beach, wakes up on the open ocean. He meets nobody but his own fears, hopes and demons.


    Als ik het ruisen van de zee ontken
    hoor ik het verre wuiven van de bomen
    in een park, waar met gedempte stemmen
    wordt gelachen en gepraat, en waar
    de liefste stem mijn naam noemt…

    Voorbij de oneindige einder wuift er gras
    dat ons het zicht ontneemt.
    Daar is die mond in de vorm van een hart
    die beeft bij het zeggen van mijn naam.

    Waar de harde grond onder mijn voeten steunt
    of zand, waarin ze zacht verzinken…

    struiken die buigen onder onze omarming
    brekende bloemen! Gierende geuren!
    De lucht die wij samen bewegen!

    ver van het wijde water waren wij

  • 2015 Jij Noemt Dit Kou (you call this cold)

    Song text, Dutch. Created in collaboration with and put to music by Sem Hak


  • 2015 – 2018 Theaterstudie at Schauspielschule Wien

    Theater and acting study in Vienna, Austria

  • 2010 – 2015 Bachelor of Music at Utrecht Conservatory

    Bachelor of classical singing with Charlotte Margiono, graduated with honours